Building Industry

Building Clients Group

Clients develope consistent information modeling practices for the management of building projects, the production of construction input data and the receipt of actual data, as well as the management and maintenance of assets.

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Building Clients Group

Building Clients group was established in early 2013 by Senaatti-kiinteistöt, HUS and information model groups of  Espoo , Helsinki and Vantaa property centers (working name SeHuTit). The group expanded after construction companies and other customers joined the group in 2014.  

Mukana ryhmän toiminnassa ovat mm. Espoon, Helsingin ja Vantaan kaupungit, Senaatti-kiinteistöt, HUS-kiinteistöt, HOAS, JAO, VTT sekä rakennusliikkeistä NCC, Skanska, Peab, Fira, SRV, YIT ja Lujatalo. Lisäksi ryhmän kutsumina kokouksissa vierailevat eri tietomallintamisen alueiden asiantuntijat ja muiden bSF toimialaryhmien edustajat.


All parties in the building projects communicate with the same language when discussing about information modeling. The importance of a new design practice in terms of collaboration and information management are widely understood. Work related to project-specific specifications and definitions can be reduced because there are general principles which are known to all.

Janne Rinta-Mänty


The City of Helsinki
