mennessä buildingSMART Finland | loka 11, 2017


Nordic Building Information Classifications Workshop

Aika: 25.10.2017 klo 11-17
Paikka: Rakennustieto, Malminkatu 16 A, 8. kerros, Helsinki

Yhteensopivat nimikkeistöt ja tiedon koneluettavuus ovat edellytyksiä digitalisaation hyötyjen saavuttamiselle kiinteistö- ja rakentamisalalla. Tilaisuudessa kuullaan esittelyt muun muassa Tanskassa ja Ruotsissa käytössä olevista järjestelmistä. Lisäksi keskustellaan voitaisiinko nimikkeistöjä ja luokitusjärjestelmiä harmonisoida pohjoismaisella tasolla tai jopa kehittää yhdessä.

Liitteenä tilaisuuden tarkempi ohjelma. Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen.

Ilmoittaudu torstaihin 19.10.2017 mennessä.


Petri Neuvonen
viestintä- ja kehityspäällikkö
Rakennustietosäätiö RTS sr
Malminkatu 16 A
PL 1004, 00101 Helsinki
GSM 040 700 7862

Alla on tilaisuuden tarkempi ohjelma:

If the full potential of the digitalization of the construction value chain is to be reached, data has to be transferred comprehensibly and without effort. The prerequisite for this is compatible data and machine readability. This cannot be achieved without functioning ontologies and classifications.
The Finnish construction information systems, the TALO Classification and the Infra Classification, have worked well until now, but if the full power of digitalization and BIM is to be unleashed, the systems need to be updated.
A similar work has been undertaken in Denmark and in Sweden, where Molio respectively CoClass have been developed and are now in use. Ongoing activities in ISO and CEN set further constraints.

Goal and aim
The goal of the workshop is for the participants to learn about Molio, CoClass and on going harmonization and classification efforts in Finland, and to find out to what extent the Danish and the Swedish results can be used in Finland. The aim is that the upcoming revised Finnish classification systems would be harmonized and compliant on a Nordic level, or even jointly developed. The workshop is also the starting point for the establishment of a project for the update of the Finnish classification systems.

Register by Thursday October 19 –

Registration form

11:00 Lunch, get together, introductions

11:30 Welcome, Goal and Aim of the Workshop: Matti Rautiola, RTS Director General, Juho Kess, chair of buildingSMART Working Group for Harmonization
11:45 CoClass: Klas Eckerberg, Svensk Byggtjänst, Sweden
12:30 CCS (Cuneco): Søren Spile, Gunnar Friborg, Molio, Denmark
13:15 Using ISO 81346 oriented system in object-modelling: Kjell Ivar Bakkmoen, Sykehusbygg HF, Norway
13:45 Nordic Cooperation Efforts between CoClass and CCS: Søren Spile, Gunnar Friborg, Molio, Denmark

14:15 Coffee Break

14:45 The Finnish TALO Classifcation System: Mikko Somersalmi, RAKLI, Finland
15:00 The InfraBIM Classification system: Juha Liukas, Sito Oy, Finland
15:15 BIM patches for the TALO classification: Tomi Henttinen, Gravicon Oy Finland
15:30 Machine Readability and Ontologies: Marita Kari, Rakennustieto Oy, Finland
15:45 Recent ISO and CEN activities: Tomi Henttinen, Gravicon Oy Finland & Gunnar Friborg, Molio, Denmark
16:00 The Finnish KIRA-DIGI Project and Funding Program: Minna Perähuhta, Ministry of the Environment

16.15 Discussion and further actions

17:00 The workshop ends

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